There are 510 graduates of the class of 1936

Warren Good
Warren Good
Mary Goodall
Mary Goodall
Carroll Gorham
Carroll Gorham
Winifred Gorrell
Winifred Gorrell
Lenore Grant
Lenore Grant
Marie Grant
Marie Grant
Evelyn Greene
Evelyn Greene
Lofton Greene
Lofton Greene
Kathleen Gregory
Kathleen Gregory
Dorthy Griffiths
Dorthy Griffiths
Cleo Grill
Cleo Grill
Margery Guillaume
Margery Guillaume
Edwin Gulick
Edwin Gulick
Edwin Gurnee
Edwin Gurnee
Donald Gutekunst
Donald Gutekunst
Richard Gutkowski
Richard Gutkowski
John Haarer
John Haarer
Henrietta Haase
Henrietta Haase
Katherine Habinski
Katherine Habinski
Fred Habitz
Fred Habitz