There are 519 graduates of the class of 1937

Chester Wallenwine
Chester Wallenwine
Lucile Waltz
Lucile Waltz
Kenneth Walz
Kenneth Walz
Doris Wardwell
Doris Wardwell
Dorothy Warren
Dorothy Warren
Robert Watters
Robert Watters
Stanley Watters
Stanley Watters
Kenneth Watts
Kenneth Watts
Sally Weadock
Sally Weadock
Margaret Webster
Margaret Webster
Barbara Wedemeyer
Barbara Wedemeyer
Gene Welch
Gene Welch
Kenneth Weller
Kenneth Weller
Bernice Wellington
Bernice Wellington
Ruth Wells
Ruth Wells
Marie Wheeler
Marie Wheeler
Aleta White
Aleta White
Elora White
Elora White
James White
James White
William White
William White