There are 554 graduates of the class of 1939

Clayton Townley
Clayton Townley
Beulah Trefry
Beulah Trefry
Helen Trefry
Helen Trefry
Almond Truesdell
Almond Truesdell
Faith Truesdell
Faith Truesdell
Phyllis Trumble
Phyllis Trumble
Gertrude Urch
Gertrude Urch
Virginia Van Wagoner
Virginia Van Wagoner
Max Videto Jr.
Max Videto Jr.
Paul Vissing
Paul Vissing
James Vogel
James Vogel
Phyllis Waite
Phyllis Waite
Walter Wasilew
Walter Wasilew
Marjorie Watkins
Marjorie Watkins
Dora Weisend
Dora Weisend
Betty Welch
Betty Welch
William Wellhoff
William Wellhoff
Robert West
Robert West
Donlad Westfall
Donlad Westfall
Ruth Westheimer
Ruth Westheimer