There are 581 graduates of the class of 1940

Wallace Terry
Wallace Terry
Richard Thalner
Richard Thalner
Burr Thatcher
Burr Thatcher
Donald Thomas
Donald Thomas
Nathaniel Thompson
Nathaniel Thompson
Robert Thompson
Robert Thompson
James Tittle
James Tittle
Ella Toombs
Ella Toombs
Elsie Towler
Elsie Towler
Doris Town
Doris Town
Ralph Townley
Ralph Townley
Aldine Trefry
Aldine Trefry
Marjorie Tull
Marjorie Tull
Marion Turner
Marion Turner
Ward Twiss
Ward Twiss
Mary Updike
Mary Updike
Gloria Utter
Gloria Utter
Betty Van Aken
Betty Van Aken
Lelah Van Dusen
Lelah Van Dusen
Lillian Van Norman
Lillian Van Norman