There are 496 graduates of the class of 1943

Emily Reed
Emily Reed
Edward Reeve
Edward Reeve
Robert Rhoades
Robert Rhoades
William Rice
William Rice
James RiceJ
James RiceJ
William Richards
William Richards
Erwin Richardson
Erwin Richardson
Shirley Rickson
Shirley Rickson
Wayne Ritchie
Wayne Ritchie
Bette Robinson
Bette Robinson
Margery Robinson
Margery Robinson
Jean Rogers
Jean Rogers
Barbara Rosenburg
Barbara Rosenburg
Cora Rubert
Cora Rubert
Wendell Rude
Wendell Rude
Gerald Ruhlandt
Gerald Ruhlandt
Albert Rump
Albert Rump
Evelyn Russell
Evelyn Russell
Lillian Russell
Lillian Russell
Orland Russell
Orland Russell