There are 379 graduates of the class of 1944

Robert Miller
Robert Miller
Irene Mitchell
Irene Mitchell
Barbara Moe
Barbara Moe
Arthur Moller Jr.
Arthur Moller Jr.
Lewis Morris
Lewis Morris
Gerald Myers
Gerald Myers
Jean Nastally
Jean Nastally
Dorothy Naylor
Dorothy Naylor
Mary Nichols
Mary Nichols
Robert Norton
Robert Norton
Sally Norton
Sally Norton
Florence Nowak
Florence Nowak
Thaddeus Obuchowski
Thaddeus Obuchowski
Portia Oldacre
Portia Oldacre
Marianne O'Neill
Marianne O'Neill
Lucy Ortego
Lucy Ortego
Clarence Owens
Clarence Owens
Arlene Palmer
Arlene Palmer
Dorothy Parson
Dorothy Parson
Margaret Patefield
Margaret Patefield