There are 526 graduates of the class of 1947

Howard Steenrod
Howard Steenrod
Royce Stoner
Royce Stoner
Dorothy Storey
Dorothy Storey
Carroll Storm
Carroll Storm
Lois Straayer
Lois Straayer
Vera Sussell
Vera Sussell
Robert Sutton
Robert Sutton
Roberta Swartout
Roberta Swartout
John Swider
John Swider
Harold Taylor
Harold Taylor
Lois Teegardin
Lois Teegardin
Patricia Teubner
Patricia Teubner
Frederick Thiede
Frederick Thiede
Howard Thomas
Howard Thomas
Frederick Thompson
Frederick Thompson
Jacqueline Throne
Jacqueline Throne
Barbara Tifft
Barbara Tifft
Donald Tisch
Donald Tisch
Marilyn Titus
Marilyn Titus
Garth Todd
Garth Todd