There are 477 graduates of the class of 1949

Robert Julian
Robert Julian
Raymond Juszczyk
Raymond Juszczyk
Virginia Kaywood
Virginia Kaywood
Shirlee Keeler
Shirlee Keeler
Carl Keith
Carl Keith
Phillip Keller
Phillip Keller
Gerald Kelly
Gerald Kelly
Cozette Keltner
Cozette Keltner
John Keniroff
John Keniroff
Edward Key
Edward Key
Joan Keyes
Joan Keyes
Donald King
Donald King
Nancy King
Nancy King
Lenora Kint
Lenora Kint
Rolland Kint
Rolland Kint
William Klyce
William Klyce
Charles Kobert
Charles Kobert
Robert Kolster
Robert Kolster
Edward Konieczki
Edward Konieczki
Joseph Konieczki
Joseph Konieczki