There are 549 graduates of the class of 1959

Stephen Seckler
Stephen Seckler
Frank Seger
Frank Seger
Judith Severance
Judith Severance
Ronald Shavers
Ronald Shavers
Rose Shaw
Rose Shaw
Marianne Shawm
Marianne Shawm
Robert Shong
Robert Shong
Lois Shumway
Lois Shumway
Patricia Sierminski
Patricia Sierminski
Richard Silcher
Richard Silcher
John Sissala
John Sissala
Sue Slater
Sue Slater
James Small
James Small
Carolyn Smith
Carolyn Smith
Dean Smith
Dean Smith
Dorothy Smith
Dorothy Smith
Gloria Smith
Gloria Smith
Janet Smith
Janet Smith
Jerry Smith
Jerry Smith
Margaret Smith
Margaret Smith