There are 549 graduates of the class of 1959

Mary Smith
Mary Smith
Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
Sidney Smith
Sidney Smith
Stephen Smith
Stephen Smith
Thomas Smith
Thomas Smith
William Smith
William Smith
Donna Snavley
Donna Snavley
Lawrence Snow
Lawrence Snow
Carol Soltis
Carol Soltis
Marcia Soules
Marcia Soules
Ester Spieth
Ester Spieth
Glema Sprunger
Glema Sprunger
Timothy Sprunger
Timothy Sprunger
Gloria Stallworth
Gloria Stallworth
Deanne Stephenson
Deanne Stephenson
Maxine Stevens
Maxine Stevens
Ronald Stickler
Ronald Stickler
Floyd Stiles
Floyd Stiles
James Stoddard
James Stoddard
Jack Strickrodt
Jack Strickrodt